Saturday, March 10, 2012

Where Do You Get Your Inspiration?

Silent Film Actress, Natacha Rambova

Many people ask me that question. And it's sometimes hard to give a holistic answer. Yes, I am inspired by nature, by my surroundings, but it's more than that. It's about how we interpret those inspirations based on our experiences, our skills, and our ways of thinking. My friend and I can look at the same sculpture and produce two very different designs. Why? Because of the way we all uniquely interpret our environments.  That's why it is sometimes hard to answer that question entirely.

My collection changes every season, but the basic mood of the Octavio Carlin brand stays the same. It is rooted in my love for Modern Art and architecture and clean lines. But it also has a lot of glam, femininity, sophistication, and Old Hollywood feel from my love of the 1920's era of silent films. Put that together with my experience making theatre costumes and studying interior design and you finally understand the foundation of how I interpret what inspires me.

So, how about you? What inspires you and how do you express that to the people around you? Do you do it by sketching, painting, singing, writing, dancing? Remember, we are all designers. We just have different canvases that we work on.

Find your inspirations,


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